DIY: New Year Journal Decoration

Happy New Year!
First post of 2014! Sorry for the slow updates but its junior year and the studying is going to be terrible... 
I decided to make my journal more appealing since it was so bland. I highly recommend making a Journal since at the moment it might seem like a hassle, but years on you will look back at it and make you remember things you might have forgotten later on. I found a journal i wrote a few years back when I went to Japan with my friends and I regret not continuing my journal at that point. Even the smallest of things make a big difference. Anyway, It's a really simple DIY but there will be more coming soon!

What you need:

Parchment paper or anything that wont stick to glue: you need this to put under the paper since it will go through to the other side and stick to the other papers
Journal: So you can decorate it
Mod Podge: A must have for this project to seal in the pictures
Printed pictures: I used all the actors and singers I am obsessed with but you can use whatever you please on the Journal
Glove/Brush: Since I didn't have the brush with me, i just put on a glove and used it to wipe the glue onto the paper

I used the inside of the Journal since I like the simple cover but you can do this for the cover

Decide how you want to put the pictures so that you don't make any mistakes

Glue the back of the picture and paste the Mod Podge on. After they are glued on and mostly dried, go over the pictures again with Mod Podge but try not to make too many strokes or else the color from the pictures might smudge. (Note: I didn't put on the Mod Podge nicely so it ended up being a bit off so i suggest using a brush and brush the Mod Podge onto the page equally)

Let it dry for 24 hours and it's done! Super simple and doesn't cost as much as buying an expensive journal. Also you can customize it however you like so thats nice!

~Have a Wonderful Day~

1 comment:

  1. Omg this is amazing !! Just like the Christmas present :D
